Tuesday June 20 at 8:00 a.m. Pacific / 11:00 a.m Eastern / 4:00 p.m. UK / 5:00 p.m. CET

Tuesday June 20 at 8:00 a.m. Pacific / 11:00 a.m Eastern / 4:00 p.m. UK / 5:00 p.m. CET
Thursday March 16 at 9:00 a.m. Pacific / 12:00 p.m. Eastern / 4:00 p.m. UK
The recent launch of Greening of Streaming’s Low Energy Sustainable Streaming (LESS) Accord – an 18-month industry-wide consultation which looks to challenge the ‘quality paradigm’ across broad swathes of the streaming industry – will undoubtedly provoke strong feelings on both sides of the quality versus more efficiency debate.
Please join us for a panel discussion on the most pressing issue facing the streaming industry today, followed by the opportunity to continue the conversation and network freely on the LIVE! platform.
Catch the replay. This is for you if you need to refresh your home page copy or write your next trade show description. During this 20-minute mini-workshop, you’ll step through a proven messaging framework used by marketing pros.
Cindy Zuelsdorf of Kokoro Marketing and Kitty Higinbotham of Wall Street Communications will be your guides for this LIVE! On session. When you watch the replay you will get a step-by-step system for your next messaging project. We use it! And it’s inspired by Donald Miller’s Storybrand system.
Cindy Zuelsdorf
Glad you’re here. If you want to work on your messaging or branding you’re in the right place. Some of us are writing trade show descriptions for NAB right now, and all that good stuff. And I’m here with Kitty Higinbotham and we are going to get into messaging, branding and give you the framework that we actually use.
Hey, Kitty!
Kitty Higinbotham
Cindy Zuelsdorf
So before we dig in, Caryn, Chris, Lucia, did you want to show where we can all meet up in 20 minutes from now in the rooms?
Caryn Cohen
Cindy Zuelsdorf (Kokoro Marketing)
As a follow-up to our first panel on sustainability in the streaming industry, this conversation drills down into continuing momentum around arguably the most pressing issue facing the industry today. Look at both easy wins and more complex sustainability challenges the media and entertainment sector has to overcome – and what it will take to achieve them.
Host Neil Howman, Managing Director at 202 Communications, is joined by guest expert, Dom Robinson, Founder of Greening of Streaming and Cofounder and Director of Id3as.
• As streaming becomes an ever larger driver of electricity consumption, how to create a great consumer experience without wasting energy
• Best practices for building power efficiency into streaming workflows
• The efforts to combat “greenwashing” in the streaming industry and instead, build real sustainability
• A progress update on recent academic research and policy advocacy efforts
• The current status of the work being done to create end-to-end energy efficiency in the technical supply chain
We walked through a lot of information you can use to win the SEO game without turning to expensive paid search services.
On the replay (approx 20 min) you’ll find out how to:
During the LIVE! On event replay, you’ll learn:
Neil Howman, managing director at 202 Communications
Caryn Cohen, partner at Dundee Hills Group
Ralph Bachofen, VP of sales and marketing at Triveni Digital
In this LIVE! On event replay, you’ll learn how to:
-choose the format that’s right for you
-market and promote your event
-fully engage with your partners and customers
A live, interactive event hosted by Cindy Zuelsdorf of Kokoro Marketing with special guests Marc Risby, Managing Director at Boxer Systems and DigiBox, and Mike Heany, Director of Sales and Finance at Boxer Systems.
You’ll find out:
Hosted by Bob Decker of Redpines, Cindy Zuelsdorf of Kokoro Marketing, and Netra Ghosh of 202 Communications. Everything you need to know to make the most of press meetings.