Thursday March 16 at 9:00 a.m. Pacific / 12:00 p.m. Eastern / 4:00 p.m. UK


The recent launch of Greening of Streaming’s Low Energy Sustainable Streaming (LESS) Accord – an 18-month industry-wide consultation which looks to challenge the ‘quality paradigm’ across broad swathes of the streaming industry – will undoubtedly provoke strong feelings on both sides of the quality versus more efficiency debate.

Please join us for a panel discussion on the most pressing issue facing the streaming industry today, followed by the opportunity to continue the conversation and network freely on the LIVE! platform.

Key Topics the panel will cover:
  • A brief introduction to the LESS Accord
  • Differences in quality are becoming imperceptible/marginal to the consumer. So why could the LESS Accord consultation potentially be so contentious?
  • How could the divide between quality and efficiency be realistically resolved?
  • What are the most likely areas of contention – and for optimism
  • How disruptive would a change of focus from quality to energy really be for the industry?
  • What might energy-optimized encoding look like in the future?

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