One of the most important elements of in-person events
was actually meeting people. Real people.
Some Recent Users

LIVE! Interactivity and Engagement
LIVE! Is the first online platform to center virtual events around person-to-person, face-to-face interactions. Participants are free to move from space to space whenever they want to join presentations, panel discussions, informal receptions, or even private one-on-one conversations.
LIVE’s Active Rooms & Users tool shows who’s present in every space, making it easy for participants to find and meet up with a friend or colleague for a face-to-face conversation.
LIVE! delivers everything you need to build a successful people-centered event.
- Event planning
- Registration
- Rehearsals and basic training
- Event-day management and support
- Analytics and reporting

Your LIVE! Package:
- A complete virtual event platform (no license needed)
- Registration management and reporting
- Extensive post-event analytics and reporting
- Branding and sponsorship opportunities throughout platform
- Design of a custom event: including, but not limited to, background, rooms, schedule, event configuration
- Training for presenters and event staff
- Dress rehearsal prior to event
- Other event services available if needed:
- A dedicated LIVE! event team during event
- Virtual production management and support
- Consulting on planning and promotion
- Creation of social and email communications
A Complete LIVE! Package Example
- Before: The LIVE! team will guide and support you through event planning and management. While you focus on organizing your event, your LIVE! team will look after configuration of the virtual event architecture and consult on your messaging, agenda, content, and format.
- During: A dedicated LIVE! event team will help participants navigate your event and keep programs on track
- After: LIVE! will deliver a powerful analytics package that will tell you
- Who attended, and how long they stayed
- Where they spent their time
- How many people attended presentations, and which presentations they watched
- Which presentation drew the largest audience