The Flint Forum

Wed. Jan 17 at 4pm GMT (11am Eastern /8am Pacific)

The Flint will be running its first Flint Forum on Wed. Jan 17 at 4pm GMT (11am Eastern /8am Pacific). The online event will be a discussion panel called “Scaling the walls of the Hyperscalers: How sustainable is the cloud?”

The free 90 minute event will feature impassioned discussion and analysis of how cloud affects the media industry’s CO2e bottom line, and how well – or not – cloud providers are doing in helping customers get to sustainability. Discussion will also include audience Q&A. Issues covered will include:

  • What do we really know about the sustainability of the cloud?
  • How can customers find out how much CO2e cloud providers are emitting on their behalf?
  • What pressure needs to be brought to bear to get transparency from cloud providers?
  • What future environmental challenges does the cloud pose that we should head off now?


With participants:

Dom Robinson, Founder, Greening of Streaming

François Polarczyk, Sustainability Director, Accedo

Mike Ward, Head of Marketing, Singular.Live

Neal Romanek, Editorial Director, The Flint (moderator)


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